
The word "friend" has been so tainted by frenemies, BFF's and un-friending. Women need a new term for our closest friends and allies: wives

It is time for women to sustain each other.

A Band of Wives is about being wives to each other. We all need wives. Not in any weird kinky way, but life is more complicated and stressful and we need deep connections with each other to live happier, healthier lives.

A Band of Wives is a community that provides virtual and direct support for women. It is a place for women to connect, to nurture one another and to promote their businesses, talents and passions.

Our social networking, member pages, events, blogs and forum discussions are for members only. This provides privacy within our community, creating the ideal place for honest discussions and supportive networking and mentoring.

ABOW is the premier private social network for all women. It is about women being there for each other, connecting in new ways, and finding a true sense of belonging. Our motto is "no woman left behind."


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